Law of Attraction As Easy As 1, 2, 3 Weekly Newsletter

I have some exciting news to share with You!! I now have a law of attraction weekly newsletter curated just for you!

Every week, you will receive 1 law of attraction tip, 2 inspirational quotes and 3 things to be grateful for!

Sign up today and start receiving your weekly newsletter every Sunday! Click here to sign up!

Today was the first ever newsletter and I wanted to share you a preview!

This weeks newsletter:

1 Law of Attraction Tip

Get ready to transform your dreams into reality!

Your quick tip for this week?

  1. Practice visualization daily. Picture your desires as if they’re already in your life. Feel the joy, soak in the satisfaction. The Law of Attraction says, what you focus on, you attract. Start picturing your success today! Imagination will create your reality!

2 Inspirational Quotes

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ― Henry Ford

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

3 Things to Be Grateful For

Gratitude will draw to you more things to be grateful for.

  1. The air you breathe.
  2. Sunshine.
  3. Rain.

Make sure to Follow & Subscribe on YouTube to learn all about the Law of Attraction for Beginners & Children!

Happy manifesting!!


Universal Tests

Did you ever feel that you were on a law of attraction roll, manifesting all the good things and feeling all the good vibes? You even felt that you were in the right vibrational frequency to truly become the person you intend to be? You feel on top of the world – on cloud 9….

…Then out of nowhere…BAM!!!

You’re hit with a problem to solve…directly related to the new belief system you’re trying to break. A magicality test, so to speak.

A test of your faith, a test of your gratitude, a test of your manifestation skills and a test that will utterly make you feel like you should throw in the towel…Why should I even bother with this LOA voodoo?!? It doesn’t even work!!!!

But that thought – it’s not coming from the universe, it’s coming from your ego…reframe your feelings on this test. How can it be solved and how can it make me think of how it aligns with my vision? Maybe you told yourself and declared to the universe that you’re a money magnet and then out of nowhere a big expense pops up literally out of nowhere and leaves you breathless…what’s the reason for this?

Just maybe the universe is testing your faith. You’re a money magnet, eh? Then why is this test making your knees knock and your belief waiver? Look this obstacle straight in the eye and tell it you got this!!


You are on the right track to manifesting that which you desire! It’s just a test. I repeat it’s just a test!!!

Deep breath…believe…deep breath…gratitude…deep breath…love…

You got this. ✨💜✨

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Intention Journaling

When you’re trying to manifest something into your life or better yet, trying to figure out how to get through a stressful time (like the holidays, busy season at work, countless to do list items, etc), I have a secret for you – intention journaling!

This tool can help alleviate a lot of stress in your life. Get your favorite journal and a pen, and focus on what’s going on in your life causing you stress (or what it is you’re looking to manifest). Think of how you would feel when this thing is accomplished and what the best possible outcome is, then journal as if it already happened!


The holidays went so perfectly, better than expected! I was able to do all of my shopping in budget, and wrapping with ease!! I can’t believe I finished so effortlessly! My family time was so wonderful and I especially loved when we set aside time to tell each other what we were grateful for!

Etc, etc

Get clear as possible in this exercise and watch how stress is lifted and manifestation begins to happen!

Happy Journaling!


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Expect Miracles

Did you ever hear someone say, “Be realistic,” or “I’m realistic and that’s why abc happened…” or some variation of this?

“Realistic,” is a word that keeps you in a box – it is a limiting belief!

What if you decided today that this word didn’t exist? Or…What if you chose to redefine this word to mean infinite possibilities? How would your new reality look?

So the next time you want to limit your dreams and goals be realism….Shift your thoughts and Expect Miracles instead!

Happy Manifesting!


Expect Miracles

You Are Not Your Ego

4.14.14 Lotus flower with person

As discussed last week, I am still focusing on being more present in my life and hope you have begun to do the same.

I love to watch Super Soul Sunday on Oprah’s OWN network.  For the past several Sundays I’ve been watching the mini series A New Earth with Oprah and Eckhart Tolle.  It’s been really eye opening and I look forward to it every week.

I recently came across this post on Facebook:

This short film clip really made me see the ego in a whole new perspective. The ego, whom lives inside us all, does not define who we truly are. Recognizing this will be so profound for you.  Any time you begin to speak or act out of anger, anxiety or fear, recognize that this is not you—It is your ego and you are not your ego.

As seen on Modern Immortal

As seen on Modern Immortal

In the words of my husband:

4.14.14 ego quote

You truly are not your ego. Your ego exists in the past and in the future and that’s when you allow it to have hold over you.  Learn to be present and watch the ego dip away.

Next week I will delve more into the power of the ego and ways to silence that inner voice that causes you to be anxious, nervous, afraid, etc.

Until next time, have magical moments!

Xoxo 🙂

The Importance of Addressing Limiting Beliefs in Order to Attract Your Desires

4.2.14 Limiting BeliefsHave you ever wanted something so badly—to hit a home run, to win that certain prize at a raffle, to attract more clients at work—but 9 times of out 10 you don’t get what you hope for? Even when you used visualization to FEEL what it is like to have those things already, and you imagine and SPEAK as if they are already true facts, why are your wishes still not fulfilled most of the time?

The reason is because you don’t truly BELIEVE you can have, or deserve, or can be what you are aiming for. It is your belief system that gets in the way of your goals.  Essentially, you are TELLING the Universe what you want while exuding an energy that is contradictory.

Feeling is the language of the soul, so if you have any doubts about accomplishing your ultimate goals, those doubts will be expressed in your feelings, or subconscious beliefs. Those limiting beliefs you have will affect your end result, which will probably be you not getting what you want.

Your subconscious limiting beliefs will affect your feelings, which will then affect your actions. While dreaming about your ideal end result is great, if you don’t take proactive steps toward attaining your goals and fulfilling your desires, you are preventing positive outcomes for yourself.  But, if your heart really doesn’t believe you can attain what you want, your actions will be full of trepidation, fear, negativity, and dubiousness.

To address your negative, limiting beliefs such as, “I never win anything,” or “I can never get ahead,” or “There’s no way I can do this,” do some tapping to help clear those negative beliefs and fears and replace them with a new, positive perspective or try using a negativity analysis to address your lack of belief in yourself.

In the meantime, keep working on honing your awareness skills and acting on the signs of Magicality that present themselves to you in the form of sudden opportunities, “coincidental” meetings or new introductions, or internal guidance from within yourself.

We believe in you…it’s time you start really believing in yourself!

Here’s to creating UNlimited, positive beliefs!



Be Grateful for “Money In” No Matter What Its Form

3.26.14 Money InI adhere to a gluten free diet.  Aside from doing it for health reasons, I’ve come to discover that the elimination of gluten from my diet has improved my mood; I feel less depressed and experience less severe and frequent mood swings—essentially, I am able to control my magnet better and keep it smiling for much long periods of time.

Anyway, my dear friend, and original Magicality Buddy, Rayna, was gluten free for a while but she recently decided it was not the best lifestyle for her to live any longer.

One morning, I woke up to find three large boxes at my doorstep.  Knowing I hadn’t ordered anything, I was confused as to what they were about until my eyes met the letters of Magicality in each one, telling me to enjoy some “Money In,” and saw the gluten free goodies that were being passed on to me by my MB (Magicality Buddy).  It was like gluten free heaven and Christmas all rolled into one; I was so grateful and excited!

As seen on Side Dish...

As seen on Side Dish…

I am sharing this personal story with you because it is an excellent example of “Money In,” as Joe Vitale calls it.  Though it was not in “money” form, this gift had VALUE; not only were all the items expensive to buy, but the gift itself had special meaning—value—for me.

It is an amazing way to recognize things in your life for their value.  Everything has value—the savings coupon or discount, a gift received, the free tickets you win, spending time with loved ones, or even the unexpected help you receive—these all have value and deserve attention and gratitude.

An excellent way to show your gratitude is to reciprocate in some way—“Money Out” for you is “Money In” for someone else.  We are all connected.  There is no vacuum in the system; when you let go of something, maybe money in this case, it will soon be replaced by something else—“Money back in”—in some form.

“Value In” and “Value Out” is always happening and it happens for everyone.  It’s a matter of being aware, noticing, accepting it, showing gratitude and reciprocating.  The moment you let fear enter the equation—fear of letting go of something because of the sense of lack, you immediate prevent the flow of attracting more “value” to you! Believe in abundance!

I am looking forward to surprising Rayna with a gratitude gift in return; I know whatever I send, and whenever it happens, it will be the right time for both of us and it will make both of our Magnets smile!

Here’s to much “Value In” for all of us!

Attracting Your Purpose to You…

3.19.14 Purposeful StepsSince I was a teenager, I was consumed by the desire to “find myself;” I just wanted to know what my purpose was, and still do.  Are you like this too?  Do you agonize over decisions in your life because you are not sure whether to follow that “inner voice,” the one that is driven by your heart, or the logical critic, the one that makes “the most sense” in many ways but isn’t necessarily aligned with your purpose.

I’ve been experiencing this duality in my life a lot lately—run-ins with my heart and my mind—and I’ve been feeling as if the life decisions that I will possibility be faced with in the coming months will determine the rest of my life and it has been scaring me tremendously.

Ironically, I recently picked up a journal that on the front says, “Live your Dream, Discover your Purpose”—a Sign of Magicality?  Quite possibly.  This is what I wrote in this same journal when an inspired thought floated into my head as I laid down to sleep:

“Every step in life is a purposeful step in the right direction.  All things are connected—every move you make, every decision.  And although it can be hard to believe things will work out, they will.  It might not be in the order you expect or include the steps you figured on but you will always be brought to where you should be.

Don’t fret about all the possible challenges you could face ahead, or stress about things working out how you hope.  Have faith in the decisions you make, as you make them, because they make you who you are.

Nothing is for naught.  Everything has a purpose.  If something isn’t forever it is because it wasn’t meant to be forever.  Let that fact stand.  It is okay.  Just ride the wave to the next place you are meant to go, enjoy it while it lasts and then allow yourself to move on when the time comes; allow yourself to evolve, to grow, to learn, to experience and teach!

We all have something to share and where you are in each moment of your life, and what you know at that time, is exactly what is meant to be.

So believe in the purpose of everything.  Be aware and follow the Signs of Magicality as they present themselves to you.  Allow things to unfold on their own, without feeling the need to be in control of every aspect of everything, all the time.  Have faith in the divine within you, guiding you down the correct paths and offering you signs to follow.

I hope these words can bring you the comfort they brought me, and help you feel less trapped by your decisions.

Here’s to finding joy and gratitude in every one of your purposeful steps!

Law of Attraction Challenge #8: Let Love Prevail

2.20.2014 Let Love Prevail

Last week we celebrated Valentine’s Day, a day defined by love.  We hope that you experienced a wonderful Valentine’s Day this year but we don’t want the warm and fuzzy feeling of LOVE to last only one day!

Let the feeling of love prevail this week!  It doesn’t have to end when Valentine’s Day comes to a close!  This week, continue spreading the love!  Pretend it is still Valentine’s Day each day this week and bask in the love you get back in return!

Love and positivity go hand in hand.  Nurture the relationship you have with your smiling magnet this week and be sure to take notice of all the wonderful things you attract into your life because of it!

Attracting Signs of Gratitude

1.29.14 Signs of GratitudeSo, how’s it been going lately?  Have you been honing your awareness skills?  Have you been able to notice Signs of Magicality in your life since Rayna and I have been guiding you on your Magicality journey the past few months?

Today I had a Sign of Magicality hit me so blindly in the face that I had to sit and immediately write about it so I could share it with you.

We recently invited our neighbors over for dinner; the kids all played together nicely while we hung out, waiting for our prime rib roast to finish cooking.  It was a snow day from school and I figured it would be a great time to make use of the roast I had in the freezer…it would warm my house up having the oven on for hours on this single digit temperature day.

As seen on MS Trust...

As seen on MS Trust…

The evening was great: good food, many laughs, but most of all, good company.  The next day, I texted my neighbor thanking her a nice night and for the desert she brought over.  She thanked me back, saying it was a great meal and an overall awesome night.  My reply was, “We are grateful for awesome neighbors!” In this case, feeling grateful feels like an understatement, we love our neighbors so much.

I have Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret Daily Teachings,” a gift from Rayna, on my nightstand.  Though it is a 365 Day calendar with inspirational pages you can peal off for each day, I have chosen not to tear them out, nor read them in order either.

As seen on Kalahari...

As seen on Kalahari…

Almost every day, I pick it up and open it to a random page…the place that my fingers poke into first is the page I feel I am supposed to read at that moment.

It just so happened that I was passing by this Daily Teachings calendar after I sent that text to my neighbor and decided to see what Rhonda had in store for me that day.

I opened to Day 64, which read, “We can never bring anything to us unless we are grateful for what we have.  In fact, if somebody was completely and utterly grateful for everything, they would never have to ask for anything, because it would be given to them before they even asked.  That is the power of Gratitude.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but I thought that was an amazing example of a Sign of Magicality, a sign of true gratitude!  I had, only moments before, expressed in words, and truly felt in my soul, the gratitude I feel for my wonderful neighbors and then opened to a Daily Teaching that talked about the Power of Gratitude! Amazing!

I hope you enjoy reading about these personal examples of Magicality that I like to share with you.  I hope you are able to use them to make connections to the signs in your life as well so that you can appreciate them and therefore attract more special instances of Magicality into your life!

Here’s to gratitude and attracting more things to be grateful for!