Law of Attraction As Easy As 1, 2, 3 Weekly Newsletter

I have some exciting news to share with You!! I now have a law of attraction weekly newsletter curated just for you!

Every week, you will receive 1 law of attraction tip, 2 inspirational quotes and 3 things to be grateful for!

Sign up today and start receiving your weekly newsletter every Sunday! Click here to sign up!

Today was the first ever newsletter and I wanted to share you a preview!

This weeks newsletter:

1 Law of Attraction Tip

Get ready to transform your dreams into reality!

Your quick tip for this week?

  1. Practice visualization daily. Picture your desires as if they’re already in your life. Feel the joy, soak in the satisfaction. The Law of Attraction says, what you focus on, you attract. Start picturing your success today! Imagination will create your reality!

2 Inspirational Quotes

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ― Henry Ford

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

3 Things to Be Grateful For

Gratitude will draw to you more things to be grateful for.

  1. The air you breathe.
  2. Sunshine.
  3. Rain.

Make sure to Follow & Subscribe on YouTube to learn all about the Law of Attraction for Beginners & Children!

Happy manifesting!!


Universal Tests

Did you ever feel that you were on a law of attraction roll, manifesting all the good things and feeling all the good vibes? You even felt that you were in the right vibrational frequency to truly become the person you intend to be? You feel on top of the world – on cloud 9….

…Then out of nowhere…BAM!!!

You’re hit with a problem to solve…directly related to the new belief system you’re trying to break. A magicality test, so to speak.

A test of your faith, a test of your gratitude, a test of your manifestation skills and a test that will utterly make you feel like you should throw in the towel…Why should I even bother with this LOA voodoo?!? It doesn’t even work!!!!

But that thought – it’s not coming from the universe, it’s coming from your ego…reframe your feelings on this test. How can it be solved and how can it make me think of how it aligns with my vision? Maybe you told yourself and declared to the universe that you’re a money magnet and then out of nowhere a big expense pops up literally out of nowhere and leaves you breathless…what’s the reason for this?

Just maybe the universe is testing your faith. You’re a money magnet, eh? Then why is this test making your knees knock and your belief waiver? Look this obstacle straight in the eye and tell it you got this!!


You are on the right track to manifesting that which you desire! It’s just a test. I repeat it’s just a test!!!

Deep breath…believe…deep breath…gratitude…deep breath…love…

You got this. ✨💜✨

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Intention Journaling

When you’re trying to manifest something into your life or better yet, trying to figure out how to get through a stressful time (like the holidays, busy season at work, countless to do list items, etc), I have a secret for you – intention journaling!

This tool can help alleviate a lot of stress in your life. Get your favorite journal and a pen, and focus on what’s going on in your life causing you stress (or what it is you’re looking to manifest). Think of how you would feel when this thing is accomplished and what the best possible outcome is, then journal as if it already happened!


The holidays went so perfectly, better than expected! I was able to do all of my shopping in budget, and wrapping with ease!! I can’t believe I finished so effortlessly! My family time was so wonderful and I especially loved when we set aside time to tell each other what we were grateful for!

Etc, etc

Get clear as possible in this exercise and watch how stress is lifted and manifestation begins to happen!

Happy Journaling!


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Expect Miracles

Did you ever hear someone say, “Be realistic,” or “I’m realistic and that’s why abc happened…” or some variation of this?

“Realistic,” is a word that keeps you in a box – it is a limiting belief!

What if you decided today that this word didn’t exist? Or…What if you chose to redefine this word to mean infinite possibilities? How would your new reality look?

So the next time you want to limit your dreams and goals be realism….Shift your thoughts and Expect Miracles instead!

Happy Manifesting!


Expect Miracles

The POWER of WORRY to Attract What You DON’T Want

4.9.14 Your Worries are Powerful

Have you ever noticed how when you worry about something happening to you, that’s usually what happens? Doesn’t that stink!? And, unfortunately, that’s usually what we notice the most—the things we didn’t want happening, happening—even though we are constantly attracting good circumstances to us all the time too.

Take it from me, “the worry queen,” worry does no good! While I have been a worrier most of my life, I finally learned the hard way how powerful my worrying can affect me…physically.

Getting dressed up club style, platform heels and all, for my best friend’s bachelorette party in NYC, I kept stressing about falling and breaking an ankle or something while wearing my heels; I’m not one to wear heels more than a few times a year and this was one of those occasions. I even stuffed into the pockets of my coat my flip flops, my more usual style of footwear, in case my feet were killing me and I had to change my shoes.

Ass seen on Natalet...

Ass seen on Natalet…

One of the girls that was with us grabbed me by the shoulders as were getting ready to leave for the club and said, “Mar, you are not allowed to stress tonight! You are here to enjoy yourself and that is what you are going to do. Everything is going to be fine!” I thanked her for the reminder that snapped me out of my negative state and ended up having a great time dancing the night away till 5 am…without falling or tripping once.

It wasn’t until we got home that my worry magnet brought my worries to life, like there was a delay in the universe’s delivery system.

While stepping out onto the balcony when we got back to the apartment, with my flip flops on at that point, oddly enough, I fell on the side of my ankle and come to find out the next day, after being encouraged by my husband to go to the ER, that I fractured my ankle in 3 places; my first broken bone ever.

At first I didn’t make the connection between my thoughts only hours prior to my broken ankle and its actual “breaking point,” but once it dawned on me, I realized how powerful my worrying had been in attracting exactly what I was worrying about, exactly what I DIDN’T want to happen!

So, let my painful, drawn out experience be a lesson to you—whatever you focus on, whether it be a positive or negative thing, you will eventually manifest it in your life. It may not be as clear or severe as a broken bone, but the sooner you pay attention to the way you think and feel and act and the way things play out in your life, the sooner you will realize how powerful you truly are. Like any great king or queen, it is important to not abuse your power so don’t let negativity rule your mind, heart and soul because its power can make or “break” you! Haha

Here’s to the power of positive thought attracting happy things into our live

The Importance of Addressing Limiting Beliefs in Order to Attract Your Desires

4.2.14 Limiting BeliefsHave you ever wanted something so badly—to hit a home run, to win that certain prize at a raffle, to attract more clients at work—but 9 times of out 10 you don’t get what you hope for? Even when you used visualization to FEEL what it is like to have those things already, and you imagine and SPEAK as if they are already true facts, why are your wishes still not fulfilled most of the time?

The reason is because you don’t truly BELIEVE you can have, or deserve, or can be what you are aiming for. It is your belief system that gets in the way of your goals.  Essentially, you are TELLING the Universe what you want while exuding an energy that is contradictory.

Feeling is the language of the soul, so if you have any doubts about accomplishing your ultimate goals, those doubts will be expressed in your feelings, or subconscious beliefs. Those limiting beliefs you have will affect your end result, which will probably be you not getting what you want.

Your subconscious limiting beliefs will affect your feelings, which will then affect your actions. While dreaming about your ideal end result is great, if you don’t take proactive steps toward attaining your goals and fulfilling your desires, you are preventing positive outcomes for yourself.  But, if your heart really doesn’t believe you can attain what you want, your actions will be full of trepidation, fear, negativity, and dubiousness.

To address your negative, limiting beliefs such as, “I never win anything,” or “I can never get ahead,” or “There’s no way I can do this,” do some tapping to help clear those negative beliefs and fears and replace them with a new, positive perspective or try using a negativity analysis to address your lack of belief in yourself.

In the meantime, keep working on honing your awareness skills and acting on the signs of Magicality that present themselves to you in the form of sudden opportunities, “coincidental” meetings or new introductions, or internal guidance from within yourself.

We believe in you…it’s time you start really believing in yourself!

Here’s to creating UNlimited, positive beliefs!



How Becoming More Aware of Your Body Will Help You Attract What You Want

3.12.14 Body AwarenessHave you ever noticed how your body feels when you are watching a suspenseful or scary movie?  When I stop and tune into my body when I am watching a scary movie or a fight scene that I have to look away from, the muscles in my whole body are often clenched and tense; I am not in a relaxed, comfortable state.

What about when you are replaying in your mind a confrontation you may have had with a someone that you don’t see eye to eye with, have you ever taken notice of the way your body feels when you are saying all those negative, angry things in your head over and over?  If you haven’t, I suggest you try it.  It’s amazing what you will learn about the connection between your mind and body.

I first learned the importance of tuning into my body and being in the moment while reading The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.  I was living in my old house at the time and, I kid you not, literally ever time, while laying in bed at night, when I would remember to tune into my body so that I could make sure it was relaxed, I would always hear the train that ran past our neighborhood about half a mile away, no matter what time of night it was.

Once it past the, “That’s a weird coincidence” state after this happened a hand full of times, I actually got to the point of expecting to hear the train as soon as I released all the tension I may have been holding in my body, tension I often had no idea was even there till I really took the time to check in with myself and see.  The train became a cool Sign of Magicality for me that I was really present, in the moment at that time, and I was grateful for and enjoyed its reminder.

As seen on Amazing Asset...

As seen on Amazing Asset…

Part of being able to attract what you want is being in the moment; when you are living in the past or wishing for the future, you are pushing things away from you.  Not being in the moment means you are ungrateful for the place you are in right now and that you have lost touch with yourself and your greater source.  You will not be able to attract your desires if you are not appreciative of the now and if you are disconnected from your body, your soul.

By taking a moment to really BE in your BODY, to let it speak to you by showing you what is going on with it—the pains, the tense muscles, your posture, whatever it is it has to share with you, you are making a conscious effort to reconnect with the Universe and it is when that connection is strong that the magic happens.

Start practicing taking a moment to stop, every so often, and see what is going on with your body.  Your body will instantly react to your thoughts and emotions, and vice versa…and, the Universe will instantly react to all of it!  So, take a deep breath, relax your body, flip your magnet so it is smiling and you will attract your desires!

Here’s to raising our awareness and reaping the benefits!

Law of Attraction Challenge #9: Give Back in Some Form This Week

2.27.2014 Challenge 9When you read the title of this week’s Law of Attraction Challenge, what comes to mind?  What pops into your head as a way of “giving back?”

Is it a monetary donation?  Is it volunteering your time?  Is it doing something nice for someone that will be surprised?  Is it just being in the moment and spending time with the ones you love, maybe the ones who have been missing you and will appreciate their special time with you?

Well, all of these are possibilities!  Giving back could mean anything!

The purpose of this LOA Challenge is the guide you to be consciously aware of making a decision to do something that will benefit someone else AND make you feel good in turn.  The attraction cycle will keep spinning, surrounding all of those involved with a positive aura and attracting more of the same–choose to be a part of that feel-good cycle!

Run with this idea!  Be creative!  “Challenge” yourself and share with us how you end up giving back!

Good luck and enjoy!

Attract a Long Life With Positivity

2.26.14 Attract a Long LifeDo you know someone who is just always happy; always has a smile on their face and a matching one in their heart?  Do you know someone whom you can’t remember ever seeing angry, and no one else can remember ever seeing angry either?

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a surprise birthday party for my great-aunt who was turning 90 years old.  Aunt Ella is the most genuine example of a kind, happy soul you could ever wish to meet.  Just being around her makes you smile and inspires you to be a better person.

The invitation to Aunt Ella’s party asked, in lieu of gifts, that everyone write Aunt Ella a letter reminiscing about fond memories with her.

I started my letter to her saying that it was no coincidence that she has lived such a long, blessed life; her light, jovial spirit has been keeping her young for many years.  If you met her, you would never guess her to actually be 90 years old; her smiling face, ability to still get around well, and remarkable memory fool all those around her into believing she is many years younger than she actually is.

I am telling you about Aunt Ella because she is an excellent example of how filling each cell of your body with positivity all of your life—singing happy songs, speaking kind words and giggling lots, along with exuding love and acceptance of everyone you meet—does a body good, so to say.

So, keep your Magnet smiling.  Radiate out from your soul a sense of peace and contentment…and really feel it!  Live in the now and really enjoy yourself while doing so! Give exaggerated hugs to those you love, and to those you newly meet.  Look into people’s eyes and really listen to what they are saying, don’t just appear as if you are paying attention.

Life can be short; plenty of wonderful people die too soon.  But, then there are those who live so long and it makes you wonder if they have a special purpose.  Strive to be like Aunt Ella—inspire those around you to be the best, and happiest, they can be by practicing what you preach!

Here’s to living long and prosper!

Law of Attraction Challenge #8: Let Love Prevail

2.20.2014 Let Love Prevail

Last week we celebrated Valentine’s Day, a day defined by love.  We hope that you experienced a wonderful Valentine’s Day this year but we don’t want the warm and fuzzy feeling of LOVE to last only one day!

Let the feeling of love prevail this week!  It doesn’t have to end when Valentine’s Day comes to a close!  This week, continue spreading the love!  Pretend it is still Valentine’s Day each day this week and bask in the love you get back in return!

Love and positivity go hand in hand.  Nurture the relationship you have with your smiling magnet this week and be sure to take notice of all the wonderful things you attract into your life because of it!