Living Life in the Now


Happy Monday wonderful readers!! With the hustle and bustle of Easter weekend, it wasn’t easy for me to stay present. How have you been holding up with living in the now?

Do you ever find yourself saying things like:

“I can’t wait for the weekend”
“I can’t wait for my vacation”
“I can’t wait for the holidays”
“I can’t wait…insert any slew of options here”

I’ve realized anytime that I say the words “I can’t wait…“, that I am no longer present. You can’t possibly be living in the now if you’re always waiting for the next moment to happen.

So this weekend was super busy and I found myself getting a bad migraine and then next thing I know I was can’t waiting the weekend away! Have you ever fell victim of a similar circumstance?


Up until now, I never realized I was wishing my life away and that I wasn’t experiencing the true happiness that each moment presents itself. Right now decide to be happy. Decide to be present so that every moment is one that you look forward to.

This makes me think of the movie Click with Adam Sandler (spoiler alert)…

If you’ve seen the movie, you know he basically can’t wait to get to every next stage in his life, that he goes his whole life on cruise control never really experiencing any joy or happiness. He misses out on every milestone and happy moment and then his life is over.

When you aren’t present and living in the now you are essentially using the remote control of your life to stay on autopilot. You’re life is passing by and you aren’t really experiencing the joy it truly brings.

Just like in the movie, Adam Sandlars character gets a second chance at life to live without the remote. This is YOUR second chance. Right NOW. Choose to take it.

Be present. Watch your life be overwhelmed with joy!

Until next time, make magical moments! Xoxo 🙂

You Are Not Your Ego

4.14.14 Lotus flower with person

As discussed last week, I am still focusing on being more present in my life and hope you have begun to do the same.

I love to watch Super Soul Sunday on Oprah’s OWN network.  For the past several Sundays I’ve been watching the mini series A New Earth with Oprah and Eckhart Tolle.  It’s been really eye opening and I look forward to it every week.

I recently came across this post on Facebook:

This short film clip really made me see the ego in a whole new perspective. The ego, whom lives inside us all, does not define who we truly are. Recognizing this will be so profound for you.  Any time you begin to speak or act out of anger, anxiety or fear, recognize that this is not you—It is your ego and you are not your ego.

As seen on Modern Immortal

As seen on Modern Immortal

In the words of my husband:

4.14.14 ego quote

You truly are not your ego. Your ego exists in the past and in the future and that’s when you allow it to have hold over you.  Learn to be present and watch the ego dip away.

Next week I will delve more into the power of the ego and ways to silence that inner voice that causes you to be anxious, nervous, afraid, etc.

Until next time, have magical moments!

Xoxo 🙂

Living in the Now Will Set You Free

4.7.14 Person Meditating Shadow

For the past several weeks I’ve been really studying being more in the present moment also known as the now. Years ago I came across the book The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.  While at the time I felt it to be very profound and inspirational, I couldn’t see the connection to the law of attraction.

Fast forward almost 6 years later and the universe is now showing me that connection. Over the next several weeks my focus is going to be to share what I am learning with you.  Hopefully this can inspire you to be more present in your life.

I wanted to share with you how the power of the present moment re-entered my life. There’s just so much Magicality to it that I think it is post-worthy!

So sometime in the last month I have this huge epiphany! After about 6 years from the time I read The Power of Now I finally got it!!  Perhaps it came to me in a dream or maybe I was daydreaming, but I was finally able to grasp the meaning of living in the now.   In order to truly manifest the life of your dreams you have to step out of your head…step out of thinking…and be in the present moment…the now…this all links to your past beliefs in your subconscious.

If you get out of your head and thinking to the present moment there are no subconscious beliefs to interfere. You allow yourself to truly access the power of the universe.

So I have these amazing thoughts…then I was up early one Sunday morning with my son and after some time we went to take a nap together.  When I woke up and turned on the TV…it was pure Magicality…Oprah talking to Eckhart Tolle about being in the present moment links you to God.  They went on to say that believing about God is so much less than experiencing God in the now.

It was chilling.

I just Had to share how I had the thought and then almost instantly it affirms itself to me through the program that was on television. I know it’s not easy to grasp your mind around which is why I will be delving into the subject more in depth over the course of the next several weeks.

Also be more aware of the inspiration you receive.  The universe is trying to tell you something.  Try to be more present in your life and see how more joy enters your life.

Until next time, have magical moments!
xoxo 🙂

How Becoming More Aware of Your Body Will Help You Attract What You Want

3.12.14 Body AwarenessHave you ever noticed how your body feels when you are watching a suspenseful or scary movie?  When I stop and tune into my body when I am watching a scary movie or a fight scene that I have to look away from, the muscles in my whole body are often clenched and tense; I am not in a relaxed, comfortable state.

What about when you are replaying in your mind a confrontation you may have had with a someone that you don’t see eye to eye with, have you ever taken notice of the way your body feels when you are saying all those negative, angry things in your head over and over?  If you haven’t, I suggest you try it.  It’s amazing what you will learn about the connection between your mind and body.

I first learned the importance of tuning into my body and being in the moment while reading The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.  I was living in my old house at the time and, I kid you not, literally ever time, while laying in bed at night, when I would remember to tune into my body so that I could make sure it was relaxed, I would always hear the train that ran past our neighborhood about half a mile away, no matter what time of night it was.

Once it past the, “That’s a weird coincidence” state after this happened a hand full of times, I actually got to the point of expecting to hear the train as soon as I released all the tension I may have been holding in my body, tension I often had no idea was even there till I really took the time to check in with myself and see.  The train became a cool Sign of Magicality for me that I was really present, in the moment at that time, and I was grateful for and enjoyed its reminder.

As seen on Amazing Asset...

As seen on Amazing Asset…

Part of being able to attract what you want is being in the moment; when you are living in the past or wishing for the future, you are pushing things away from you.  Not being in the moment means you are ungrateful for the place you are in right now and that you have lost touch with yourself and your greater source.  You will not be able to attract your desires if you are not appreciative of the now and if you are disconnected from your body, your soul.

By taking a moment to really BE in your BODY, to let it speak to you by showing you what is going on with it—the pains, the tense muscles, your posture, whatever it is it has to share with you, you are making a conscious effort to reconnect with the Universe and it is when that connection is strong that the magic happens.

Start practicing taking a moment to stop, every so often, and see what is going on with your body.  Your body will instantly react to your thoughts and emotions, and vice versa…and, the Universe will instantly react to all of it!  So, take a deep breath, relax your body, flip your magnet so it is smiling and you will attract your desires!

Here’s to raising our awareness and reaping the benefits!

Hang Up Your Worry-Towel and Dress Yourself in The Present Moment

1.22.14 Worry TowelAre you a worrier?  Do you try to plan things out, living in the future, so that you can avoid pitfalls and problems?  Are you constantly thinking about all the “what ifs” that every situation and circumstance carries with it?

Uhh, man, if so, you are in good company!  I was always a “planner” and a worrier…even as a very young child.  I didn’t like to put myself in situations that I might get physically hurt in or look “stupid” by making a mistake (this is still a work-in-progress for me).

One of the older kids in our neighborhood group actually nicknamed me “lecture woman” because I was always telling everyone to “be care” and that they shouldn’t do whatever it was they were doing, if they were doing the wrong thing, because they were going to get in trouble.  I was so young, I didn’t even know what “lecture” meant!

As seen on Q'ued Up! ...

As seen on Q’ued Up! ...

For someone who had “worrying” so ingrained in her, in my thoughts, in my emotions, in my every cell of my body, it was not easy to just stop worrying.  After all, I was a worrier, it was one of the ways I described myself, it was who I was.

It wasn’t until I really became aware, on my own, how my worrying was really affecting my life and the quality of my living it that I became ready, and committed, to changing this trait of mine.   By worrying all the time, I was essentially keeping my focus on all the negative possibilities that I could encounter in the future.

I was never allowing myself to live in the NOW; I wasn’t allowing myself to fully enjoy the good experiences in my life because I was always so caught up in planning to try to ensure good experiences in the future.

Luckily, we have Magicality, and our own personal Magnets as our guide.  Worry is a negative thing and your Magicality Magnet abides so whatever you worry will happen, your magnet will quickly flip to a frown and coordinate with the Universe to call that worry into reality.

So, don’t allow your Magnet to make those worries and concerns come true.  Worrying about the future robs you of the present moment!  Don’t allow your worries to take over.  Stop them dead in their tracks.  Ask yourself when you notice yourself worrying which way your Magnet is pointing while you worry and decide if that’s the way you want it to be and flip accordingly.

Stop the endless worry cycle! Start living in the now, a positive now, a now filled with present moment happiness and appreciation!  Strive to cut back your worries and live more in the moment.  If I can do it, you definitely can too!

Thanks for being with me, in this moment, reading my post! I am grateful for your presence!

Playing Truth or Dare with The Universe…

12.11.13 Truth or Dare

Have you ever played Truth or Dare?  I never was a fan of the game because I felt I was cornered with either choice; you never know what to expect if you choose “Dare” but sometimes the “Truth” can be just as scary as the dare might be.

The interesting thing about that game is that you have no control over the dare but you do have control over your truths.  Your truths are created each moment of your life.  They are your past, present and future.  You have had a hand in all of it, whether you like it or not.

Unlike people, the Universe does not play Truth or Dare.  It has no interest in Dares.  The Universe only believes in Truth; that is all that it is interested in from you and all it will ever offer you.

The Universe believes in being truthful with you at all times therefore it will always prove you to be right; whatever you believe in your thoughts, in your mind, in your soul, in your senses, in your emotions, the Universe will show you only things to prove you right.

The Universe will never lie to you.  All that happens in your life is a reflection of your thoughts; it is your truth. Your world around you is living proof.

But, you can decide, at every point in time, in every moment, what your truth is. So, because of this power, because of this special ability, you are able at any moment in time to recreate your truth.

Be who you want to be. Think those positive things that you wish to be truth. Make them your truth. Be positive instead of assuming the worst. Allow yourself to be the best YOU you can be, with all the best things.

Make every statement in your head a positive truth because the Universe will make it so! Whatever you wish for will be reflected back at you by the Universe, because the Universe only ever tells the Truth, so make it a good wish!

May all your wishes be positive and truthful!

Appreciating Your Now: Attracting the Life of Your Dreams

10.14.13 Couple Dreaming

Are you grateful for what you have in your life currently?  Are you happy with your current circumstances?  Does thinking about your life bring a smile to your face?

If you answered ‘No’ to any of the above questions, it may be the exact reason that you aren’t attracting the life that you truly desire.  In order to begin seeing what you desire, you have to begin to appreciate what you already have now.

I know this may sound crazy to you, but it is the only way.  You need to feel love and gratitude for everything that life has presented to you.  I know it’s easier said than done, but you can do it.

honeymoon weight gain pic 3

You may ask things like, “How is it possible to be happy for my job that I am currently miserable at?” or “How is it possible for me to be happy with my financial situation when I am struggling day to day to pay my bills?”  These are valid questions, but the answer is something that will truly change your world.

If you continually focus on the things that make you unhappy and the lack of things in your life, you will send this out to the universe.  The universe will then respond to what you are thinking, which is that of lack and unhappiness.  This is the exact opposite of what you want, right?

So decide no matter how unhappy or unsatisfied a particular situation is making you, that you will rise above it and decide to be happy and grateful for it anyway.  You woke up this morning, didn’t you?  You were given the gift of life and for that you should make an effort to be happy and grateful for all that you have today, right now.

As seen on Volume 25

As seen on Volume 25

The universe is giving to you all that you are thinking.  This is a universal law.  Because you are constantly receiving what you are thinking, you should be grateful for all that you receive.

If you were to give something to someone and they weren’t thankful for it, it wouldn’t make you feel good.  Always be grateful for all that you have and then you will open the doors to attract anything you want right into your life.

The moment you have feelings of lack, recognize that you are sending a request for more lack into your life.  Take this as an opportunity to change your frequency and appreciate what you have to draw more things in life your way to appreciate.  Make this a practice and see how your life changes for the good.

Until next time, Have a Magical Day!

With Love xoxo 🙂

Living the Law of Attraction in THE NOW

10.9.13 Tree on Cliff

Have you ever heard a song that just really spoke to you?  A song with words that were more than mere poetry, they were actually wise advice that you should heed?

Pearl Jam is my all-time, most favorite band.  Though I love so many of their songs, there is one in particular that I find to be so truthful, wise and descriptive: Present Tense, from the album No Code.

            Listen to these lyrics:

“…you can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets, oh

or you can come to terms and realize

you’re the only one who can’t forgive yourself, oh

makes much more sense to live in the present tense…”

I’ve loved this song since I was a teenager and it occurred to me recently how enlightened this message is when you are living a law of attraction lifestyle, when you are living Magicality.

Living in “The Now” is crucial.  When you aren’t, that means that your thoughts are somewhere else—either in the past or the future—neither of which you have control over.  Obsessing about something you don’t have control over usually doesn’t lead to positive emotions being send out into the universe, this being something you don’t want to do.

As seen on Live in the Now

As seen on Live in the Now

Spending your time thinking about past events that were “negative” or even ones that were “good” but have you caught in an unhealthy reminiscing-rut are not going to keep your magnet smiling and your vibration up so that you attract positive things, people and circumstances into your life.

Listen to Eddie Vedder when he says that “you are the only one;” he is reminding you that you are in control of where your life is headed and it is by being aware of the tracks your trains-of-thought ride along and their inevitable destinations—either to Positive-ville or Negative City—that will determine what you encounter in your future.

So continue to surround yourself around the things that make you feel good, like the tree leaning out to catch the sun’s rays that Eddie sings about in this song.  Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking, evaluate where they are headed, and pull the emergency break on those non-present, negative thoughts.  Be the conductor of your own life and enjoy the ride, moment by moment.

Until next time, Stay in the Now 🙂