Attracting Your Purpose to You…

3.19.14 Purposeful StepsSince I was a teenager, I was consumed by the desire to “find myself;” I just wanted to know what my purpose was, and still do.  Are you like this too?  Do you agonize over decisions in your life because you are not sure whether to follow that “inner voice,” the one that is driven by your heart, or the logical critic, the one that makes “the most sense” in many ways but isn’t necessarily aligned with your purpose.

I’ve been experiencing this duality in my life a lot lately—run-ins with my heart and my mind—and I’ve been feeling as if the life decisions that I will possibility be faced with in the coming months will determine the rest of my life and it has been scaring me tremendously.

Ironically, I recently picked up a journal that on the front says, “Live your Dream, Discover your Purpose”—a Sign of Magicality?  Quite possibly.  This is what I wrote in this same journal when an inspired thought floated into my head as I laid down to sleep:

“Every step in life is a purposeful step in the right direction.  All things are connected—every move you make, every decision.  And although it can be hard to believe things will work out, they will.  It might not be in the order you expect or include the steps you figured on but you will always be brought to where you should be.

Don’t fret about all the possible challenges you could face ahead, or stress about things working out how you hope.  Have faith in the decisions you make, as you make them, because they make you who you are.

Nothing is for naught.  Everything has a purpose.  If something isn’t forever it is because it wasn’t meant to be forever.  Let that fact stand.  It is okay.  Just ride the wave to the next place you are meant to go, enjoy it while it lasts and then allow yourself to move on when the time comes; allow yourself to evolve, to grow, to learn, to experience and teach!

We all have something to share and where you are in each moment of your life, and what you know at that time, is exactly what is meant to be.

So believe in the purpose of everything.  Be aware and follow the Signs of Magicality as they present themselves to you.  Allow things to unfold on their own, without feeling the need to be in control of every aspect of everything, all the time.  Have faith in the divine within you, guiding you down the correct paths and offering you signs to follow.

I hope these words can bring you the comfort they brought me, and help you feel less trapped by your decisions.

Here’s to finding joy and gratitude in every one of your purposeful steps!