Law of Attraction As Easy As 1, 2, 3 Weekly Newsletter

I have some exciting news to share with You!! I now have a law of attraction weekly newsletter curated just for you!

Every week, you will receive 1 law of attraction tip, 2 inspirational quotes and 3 things to be grateful for!

Sign up today and start receiving your weekly newsletter every Sunday! Click here to sign up!

Today was the first ever newsletter and I wanted to share you a preview!

This weeks newsletter:

1 Law of Attraction Tip

Get ready to transform your dreams into reality!

Your quick tip for this week?

  1. Practice visualization daily. Picture your desires as if they’re already in your life. Feel the joy, soak in the satisfaction. The Law of Attraction says, what you focus on, you attract. Start picturing your success today! Imagination will create your reality!

2 Inspirational Quotes

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ― Henry Ford

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

3 Things to Be Grateful For

Gratitude will draw to you more things to be grateful for.

  1. The air you breathe.
  2. Sunshine.
  3. Rain.

Make sure to Follow & Subscribe on YouTube to learn all about the Law of Attraction for Beginners & Children!

Happy manifesting!!


Universal Tests

Did you ever feel that you were on a law of attraction roll, manifesting all the good things and feeling all the good vibes? You even felt that you were in the right vibrational frequency to truly become the person you intend to be? You feel on top of the world – on cloud 9….

…Then out of nowhere…BAM!!!

You’re hit with a problem to solve…directly related to the new belief system you’re trying to break. A magicality test, so to speak.

A test of your faith, a test of your gratitude, a test of your manifestation skills and a test that will utterly make you feel like you should throw in the towel…Why should I even bother with this LOA voodoo?!? It doesn’t even work!!!!

But that thought – it’s not coming from the universe, it’s coming from your ego…reframe your feelings on this test. How can it be solved and how can it make me think of how it aligns with my vision? Maybe you told yourself and declared to the universe that you’re a money magnet and then out of nowhere a big expense pops up literally out of nowhere and leaves you breathless…what’s the reason for this?

Just maybe the universe is testing your faith. You’re a money magnet, eh? Then why is this test making your knees knock and your belief waiver? Look this obstacle straight in the eye and tell it you got this!!


You are on the right track to manifesting that which you desire! It’s just a test. I repeat it’s just a test!!!

Deep breath…believe…deep breath…gratitude…deep breath…love…

You got this. ✨💜✨

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Be Grateful for “Money In” No Matter What Its Form

3.26.14 Money InI adhere to a gluten free diet.  Aside from doing it for health reasons, I’ve come to discover that the elimination of gluten from my diet has improved my mood; I feel less depressed and experience less severe and frequent mood swings—essentially, I am able to control my magnet better and keep it smiling for much long periods of time.

Anyway, my dear friend, and original Magicality Buddy, Rayna, was gluten free for a while but she recently decided it was not the best lifestyle for her to live any longer.

One morning, I woke up to find three large boxes at my doorstep.  Knowing I hadn’t ordered anything, I was confused as to what they were about until my eyes met the letters of Magicality in each one, telling me to enjoy some “Money In,” and saw the gluten free goodies that were being passed on to me by my MB (Magicality Buddy).  It was like gluten free heaven and Christmas all rolled into one; I was so grateful and excited!

As seen on Side Dish...

As seen on Side Dish…

I am sharing this personal story with you because it is an excellent example of “Money In,” as Joe Vitale calls it.  Though it was not in “money” form, this gift had VALUE; not only were all the items expensive to buy, but the gift itself had special meaning—value—for me.

It is an amazing way to recognize things in your life for their value.  Everything has value—the savings coupon or discount, a gift received, the free tickets you win, spending time with loved ones, or even the unexpected help you receive—these all have value and deserve attention and gratitude.

An excellent way to show your gratitude is to reciprocate in some way—“Money Out” for you is “Money In” for someone else.  We are all connected.  There is no vacuum in the system; when you let go of something, maybe money in this case, it will soon be replaced by something else—“Money back in”—in some form.

“Value In” and “Value Out” is always happening and it happens for everyone.  It’s a matter of being aware, noticing, accepting it, showing gratitude and reciprocating.  The moment you let fear enter the equation—fear of letting go of something because of the sense of lack, you immediate prevent the flow of attracting more “value” to you! Believe in abundance!

I am looking forward to surprising Rayna with a gratitude gift in return; I know whatever I send, and whenever it happens, it will be the right time for both of us and it will make both of our Magnets smile!

Here’s to much “Value In” for all of us!

Stay Connected With Your Higher Source & You Will Attract Abundance

1.15.14 Stay ConnectedHave you ever felt that tinge of fear that you don’t have enough?  Not enough money? Not enough free time? Not enough appreciation for all that you do? Just plain out not enough?

As you may well know, abundance is a major aspect of the Law of Attraction—we are all one and therefore it makes no sense to be competitive because essentially we would be competing against ourselves.  There is no need to compete in the first place because there is already enough of everything to go around for us all.  We just have to acknowledge and live by this fact.

Sometimes however, even with our best efforts, for as much as we envision there being enough of whatever it is we desire, that interloper of lack slips into our consciousness.

Recently, I was watching the Disney movie Pocahontas with my daughter and it dawned on me how the Native Americans lived lives very in tune with the Law of Attraction.  They truly understood abundance and gratitude.  (Check out my blog post, The First Thanksgiving…An Authentic Example of the Law of Attraction, for more about this.)

They shared the land with their fellow man and animals; they didn’t claim the land to be their own, like the settlers did; they weren’t in competition with anyone, they just took what they needed and were grateful for what they were able to receive.

The Native Americans of years ago were also more connected with their higher source—to them, it was Mother Nature, to LOA people, it is the Universe…or whatever feels right for you.  This awareness and reverence of their higher source helped them to live spiritual lives, which in turn were filled with more meaning, passion and gratitude.

As seen on Marghanita...

As seen on Marghanita…

We have unfortunately lost this connection with our higher source in today’s society, for the most part, but it can stop with you.

It is up to you to tap into your intuition and be aware of all the signs of Magicality in your life.  It is up to you to choose whether you take advantage of the opportunities that arise in your life.  It is up to you to exude gratitude for the things that make your magnet smile.  And it is up to you to share what you have to offer with your fellow man, whether it be a smile, a dollar, or a helping hand, and erase competition from the equation.

We are all one from the same source.  Live as if you KNOW it is so and abundance will flow to you.

May all that you do bring abundance to us all!

“The Universe is My Name, Fulfilling Orders is My Game”

1.8.14 Check Please

If you’re like most people, we’ve all experienced, at least once in our life, a time when money felt hard to come by, like you were working so hard and it just didn’t seem to be paying off in dollar signs.  When this happens, our faith in the “All Mighty, All Abundant” Universe starts to waver and we start to stress about money…I know I catch it happening to me.

Being new homeowners, the holiday season took its toll on us a bit more this year than usual and that sense of “lack” and “needing money” mindset was starting to wrap its tentacles around my magnet and flip it for the worse.  But, before the Lack Monster was able to really take me down, the Universe went, “And totally redeemed itself!” (In the words of Harry Dunne, in “Dumb and Dumber”)

Unexpectedly, in the mail, I received a rebate check, albeit its small dollar figure, I still took it as a sign of Magicality, that there is money out there for me and that it is coming my way.  And, before I was finished opening all the mail, on that same rebate-check-day, I opened an unexpected card from my grandfather with a $100 money order in it!

I was instantly floored by the situation and my good fortune; I was floored by the power of the Universe to deliver me unexpected gifts when I needed them the most!  And, boy, did that Lack Monster retreat like a vampire on the first signs of daybreak.

This experience couldn’t help but remind me of our Magicality Moment #11: Have Faith At All Times.  I love the analogy that Rayna used; the Universe is a reliable company that you place an order with and it always delivers.

It is so important to be aware of your thoughts and emotions, the energy you are projecting out into the universe, because you will get what you ask for, what you “think” for, what you are “feeling” for.  The shipping time can vary but like the USPS, rain or shine, good or bad, your order will be delivered, without a doubt.  All you need is faith in the end result!

So, get clear about what kind of order you are placing because your order is not necessarily refundable or returnable.  The Universe will fulfill your request whether you like it or not so make your choices carefully and make them really count!

Here’s to checks in the mail! Cha-ching!

The First Thanksgiving…an Authentic Example of the Law of Attraction

11.27.13 Exude Gratitude

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a special day that has often times, unfortunately, been usurped by gluttony, followed by naps, and the dread of relatives you would rather not be stuck with all afternoon. Does this sound familiar? Is this what your Thanksgiving has become? I hope not because the true essence of the holiday has such positive, grateful roots, it is a shame to grow disconnected from them.

When is the last time you’ve thought about the story of the Pilgrims and their first meeting with the Native Americans?  Probably not since you were in elementary school building a diorama about it or creating an Indian headdress.

If you read about the Pilgrims, and the journey they endured and their mindsets throughout it, it is clear their unwavering faith in god (and/or the universe) is how they were able to turn a very distressing situation into a more bearable and eventually historically important experience.

After every “negative” circumstance they were presented with, a positive outcome revealed itself—after rough seas battered their ship to almost destruction, they were able to make repairs because they “happened” to have exactly what they needed; after losing much of their party to death throughout the winter, and the survivors on the verge of starvation, friendly Indians unexpectedly welcomed them and taught them how to cultivate the land.

These were no freak coincidences; it was many people being in the same energy alignment with each other and the universe at the same time.  There was no element of competition involved.  It was blind faith in the Laissez-Faire sense, that got them through, followed by all-encompassing gratitude.

The Pilgrims meeting Squanto, a friendly native who had earlier been captured by the English, thereby eventually learning to speak the English language and understanding the culture, is an amazing example of Magicality itself!  Had it not been for Squanto, and the love that he exuded by teaching the Pilgrims how to live off of the land, the Pilgrims may have been no more.

Abundant in food, abundant in love and appreciation, having the right people in your life at the right time, having faith and not giving up at the sight of negative tides, are the lessons that should be taken away from the First Thanksgiving.

Make Thanksgiving Day your NEW New Year’s Day—don’t wait till January 1st! Make a resolution to be thankful everyday, to not let negativity sink its dirty teeth into you and to share the great things you have to offer with those around you and the rest of the world!

And tomorrow, when you say grace, eyes closed, sitting before your friends and relatives and a table full of food, take a minute to be grateful for that inspiring First Thanksgiving.

Wishing you a Thanksgiving full of all kinds of abundance!

This blog post inspired by: