Stay Connected With Your Higher Source & You Will Attract Abundance

1.15.14 Stay ConnectedHave you ever felt that tinge of fear that you don’t have enough?  Not enough money? Not enough free time? Not enough appreciation for all that you do? Just plain out not enough?

As you may well know, abundance is a major aspect of the Law of Attraction—we are all one and therefore it makes no sense to be competitive because essentially we would be competing against ourselves.  There is no need to compete in the first place because there is already enough of everything to go around for us all.  We just have to acknowledge and live by this fact.

Sometimes however, even with our best efforts, for as much as we envision there being enough of whatever it is we desire, that interloper of lack slips into our consciousness.

Recently, I was watching the Disney movie Pocahontas with my daughter and it dawned on me how the Native Americans lived lives very in tune with the Law of Attraction.  They truly understood abundance and gratitude.  (Check out my blog post, The First Thanksgiving…An Authentic Example of the Law of Attraction, for more about this.)

They shared the land with their fellow man and animals; they didn’t claim the land to be their own, like the settlers did; they weren’t in competition with anyone, they just took what they needed and were grateful for what they were able to receive.

The Native Americans of years ago were also more connected with their higher source—to them, it was Mother Nature, to LOA people, it is the Universe…or whatever feels right for you.  This awareness and reverence of their higher source helped them to live spiritual lives, which in turn were filled with more meaning, passion and gratitude.

As seen on Marghanita...

As seen on Marghanita…

We have unfortunately lost this connection with our higher source in today’s society, for the most part, but it can stop with you.

It is up to you to tap into your intuition and be aware of all the signs of Magicality in your life.  It is up to you to choose whether you take advantage of the opportunities that arise in your life.  It is up to you to exude gratitude for the things that make your magnet smile.  And it is up to you to share what you have to offer with your fellow man, whether it be a smile, a dollar, or a helping hand, and erase competition from the equation.

We are all one from the same source.  Live as if you KNOW it is so and abundance will flow to you.

May all that you do bring abundance to us all!

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